Larry & Mindy’s
60s & 70s Crossword Puzzle!

We’re trying something new here and would love to hear what you think about it.

It’s still a quiz, but in the ever-so-popular Crossword Puzzle format.

In this puzzle, you need to write the name of the singer/band who sang the song. Write the names with no spaces between the words. (For example, write “thebeatles”.)

Yes, it looks small, but it’s much easier to navigate than it looks at first. Simply click on the beginning of a word in the puzzle and look on bottom for the highlighted definition. If you don’t click on the first letter, you can move to there with backspace, space bar, arrows, or try to click in the right place again.

If you run into technical issues with the puzzle, please click on the little crossword picture below, and you shouldn’t have any more problems. It’s a bit different in appearance, but the definitions are identical. (If you DO have technical difficulties, please let us know!!)

Good luck! (And just so you know, there’s a crossword puzzle in Hebrew too, with Israeli songs and singers! Just click עברית at the top of this page.)

Who Sang the Song?